Our Services

Content Marketing

We are a full service, Digital Marketing Solution. We develop effective tailor-made strategies for forward-thinking companies. 

Ever heard the expression “Content is King”?

We tailor a bespoke content marketing strategy for each client.

Content Marketing builds communities, inspires engagement and increases rankings via creation and sharing of high quality, problem-solving relevant information, aiming to satisfy business objectives. It helps influence consumer behavior, with the end goal of boosting sales and increasing interaction between the brand and customer.

Content Marketing is an effective way to encourage conversions and its main objective is to build a content strategy to meets the needs of your target audience. It helps you stand out from the competition, provides a great resource to your customers and is highly shareable. Content Marketing is meant to improve your brand profile and online reputation as well as forms an integral part of Digital Marketing and SEO.

Articles / Blog Writers

As a blog post is usually written from a personal perspective based on opinion which can include facts or information, because it is based on experience and includes more personality, the content is generally provided by the client for me to polish and craft in an attractive manner. Articles are an important part of your content strategy.

It is generally fairly short and posted by the web host onto the website. It is generally updated on a regular basis and posted in reverse order with the most up to date information reflecting first.

An article is typically written to convey facts, information, news, and unbiased perspective.
This again may be provided by the client, or they may request research and directives as to what they wish to convey. It is considerably longer than a blog. Blog writing is an important to a good content marketing strategy.


content writers cape town
content marketing cape town

Website Content Writing Services

This is writing content to be published on your website, which is either researched or supplied, depending upon each individual client’s requirements.

Most often, clients supply a draft of what they want under the generic headings. Generally, if it is very specific to their business, the client supplies the information.

In most cases where facts are required, a link is provided or a draft to merely edit.
Depending what the content is about, a topic is provided to write on with a given background context. As content marketers, Deep Thought Media may also advise you on changing or updating the content on your website when performing SEO.

When writing web content we also take into consideration the SEO implications. We monitor keyword usage and tailor the content to the specific pages Google ranking goals. Read more about how SEO works.


Writing Professional Company Profiles

Company profiles are done in a way whereby the client is presented with a questionnaire of standard questions.

Once completed and returned, we then work on polishing the content. The writing of the contents does not include a brochure or designed document, however we are able to do this at an additional cost, with professional layout and design as well as photographs.

This is used by new and existing companies to market their business. This can vary in length depending upon the volume of content they have to share and their budget.


article writers cape town
speech writing services

Speech Writing Services

Speeches Writing for personal, private, or professional events.

Once we are presented with all the information required, we craft powerful, informative speeches based on your needs.

Depending upon the occasion, the tone and (in)formality is relevant. Some people request for their speeches to rhyme. It is required that you be specific about the length as well as who needs to be addressed, thanked, and acknowledged.

Humour may also be incorporated if required.

Writing of Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are first supplied to us by the company in a draft format, and our role is merely to polish the content. At times we are asked to contribute to the document and to either simplify or upgrade the content dependent upon the level of skill of the employee.


Proof reading and editing

Job descriptions are first supplied to us by the company in a draft format, and our role is merely to polish the content. At times we are asked to contribute to the document and to either simplify or upgrade the content dependent upon the level of skill of the employee.