Did you know that many businesses and industries are losing out on revenue or experiencing loss in turnover due to digitisation?

Digitisation affects your business in many ways that you may have not realised. Consumers are now using platforms such as Facebook for customer service or inquiries. They expect the same fast service from every business and if you cant keep up or aren’t there, you will lose out.

There is no such thing as “business as usual” anymore as your customers are now interacting with forward thinking businesses and brands that make their experience easier and offer added value through online platforms such as websites, apps, and mobile websites.

Make sure your business is evolving and that you can offer your clients the best possible experience when dealing with your brand or company.

Businesses are making use of messenger bots and artificial intelligence to capture data and engage with consumers. A business with more data can use this information to be a better business.

The Facts:

“Technology is moving too fast for business to keep up”

“The average person checks their mobile device 150 times a day”

“More than 50% of purchase-related conversions happened within 1 Hour of the mobile searches that initiated them.”

“Over 90% of Facebook users in South Africa are on Facebook while watching prime time TV”

The Solution:

Be where your customers are, offer a great customer experience, tell a story and offer great customer service on multiple touch points. The best part about going adopting digital systems in your business and marketing is that it is actually MORE cost effective than the traditional route.

Book a 1-hour free consultation with us to find out how your competitors are affecting your income and what you can do to optimize your customer experience through digital and online platforms.

Email: hello@deepthoughtmedia.co.za